The Behaviour Change Program Is Intended For Who?

vic roads behaviour change program

Our company is a top supplier of the VicRoads Behaviour Change Program.  The Behaviour Change Program is designed to assist you in comprehending and investigating the causes of their drunk or drugged driving offence. The program gives you the chance to consider how your offence has affected you and other people and also the advantages of abstaining from crime in the future. You will develop an action plan as part of the Behaviour Change Program to help you stop using drugs while driving. You will be support to get help if you do have concerns about your drug.You will receive a Certificate of Completion that you can present to behaviour change program once you have satisfied the participation requirement. Anyone who has committed a drink offense is required to complete the Program by VicRoads. You must have received a relicensing letter from VicRoads in order to enrol in a behaviour change program, which will specify which VicRoads behaviour change program must be completed. Drinkdriveassist will assist you in finishing the course, assisting you with the relicensing procedureand assisting you in getting back behind the wheel in a safe manner if you have been charged with a drink offense.Our program facilitators are a specialised team that assists adults and young people who have lost their licenses due to alcohol and other drug difficulties.

How we assist you in returning to driving

The behaviour changeprogramMelbourneis one of the world top centre that offers a comprehensive strategy for changing behaviour in all its facets.  Our approach to help people takes charge of their own health and collaborate with organisations and other professionals to design practices and policies that will improve people health. We have integrated both cognitive and interpersonal regulation into our comprehensive process models. They make it possible for us to deal with any issue pertaining to behaviour modification when combined with our adaptable methodological tools. Caring professionals with tertiary qualifications and experience in this field handle the drink drive lead through a strict security protocol. This is completed in order to pursue licence remaking.Our staff keep in touch with families and invite partners and other people who have been affected by violent behaviour to an informational meeting and counselling.  The initiative to alter behaviour A thriving community of doctors and researchers works together to build fruitful international alliances in Melbourne.Learn about the dangers of driving while intoxicated and become one of the best providers for directing behaviour change programs in Melbourne. For their proficiency in behaviour modification and contributions to our understanding of the psychological and environmental factors that influence behaviour patterns and members of our team have received worldwide.