The Key To Consistent And Controlled Material Flow

conveyor belt weigh scales

Scales for Belt Weighing Perfect for Conveyor Weighing While in Motion

For dynamically weighing goods on a moving conveyor belt, belt weighers—also referred to as conveyor belt weigh scales,weightometers, or constant weighers—are crucial. These systems integrate with IT management tools for process control, bulky product batching, control of stocks, and weigh feeding. They also provide actual time flow rates and entire mass data. We create and produce sophisticated belt weighers with a digital load cell integrated into the conveyor frame and a weigh structure. A digitizer that translates weight data into flow rate and total weight is attached to this setup. The controller computes the immediate load and total load using load cells to determine the load on the weigh length and a speed sensor to track belt speed.The purpose of our conveyor belt weigh scales is to reduce mistakes caused by differences in conveyor structures. Although wide belts may add facet forces, longer weigh lengths reduce inaccuracies. To overcome these problems, we provide flexible belt weigher systems that can be installed in parallel or tandem to deal with a variety of makes and uses.

Being the most seasoned weightometer service provider in the business, we offer the greatest service available throughout Australia. Being a solution associate for our clients and a measurement service provider rather than an equipment producer, we are free to suggest the optimum brand or model for every given application without being restricted to a predetermined product line. Because we sometimes suggest a range of goods from various manufacturers to accomplish what others are unable to, wehave been able to design weighing solutions for our clients to get the best possible weighing. Our independence allows us to give you our honest opinion about the equipment you have installed.A further advantage is that, unlike factory-trained technicians, all of our employees are trade-qualified instrument technicians. This indicates that we can work with practically all supplier makes and models and have experience with dynamic weighing theories and solid instrumentation techniques. Don’t trust everything the large manufacturers tell you about belt weighing; call us instead; we’re revolutionizing the process!

To acquire the highest level of accuracy from your conveyor belt weightometer, we can handle all of your needs, including calibrations, full-weight area connections, load cell replacements, and testing.To meet your needs, we also provide stable weights, calibrating drag chains, testing roller chains, new weighing quality idlers, new idler frames, and weight and chain release systems. The following actions are taken by us to help our clients reduce the amount of maintenance they spend on conveyor weightometers and belt weighers:providing weights or calibration chains to the location so that we can fly there to finish the calibration, and saving money on the trip. Assist our frequent clients with discovering faults over the phone so that we can visit the location with the necessary parts to finish a repair. Selecting and setting up the ideal weighing and calibrating apparatus to optimize precision and save calibration time and downtime. Please visit for more information.